martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

Is New Moon!!!!!!

The second film of the 'Twilight' saga, New Moon, written by Stephnie Meyer is now in Bogotá's principal cinemas!! Important for general Culture knowledge and Theathres obviously because is cinema! :D

Watch now the trailer!

La leyenda del Dorado

The Dorado's legend tell us what happened to Muiscans gold when Sapnish came here! Read it!!
It's very interesting!

The original narrative is to be found in the rambling chronicle, El Carnero, of Juan Rodriguez Freyle. According to Freyle, the king or chief priest of the Muisca was said to be ritually covered with gold dust at a religious festival held in Lake Guatavita, near present-day Bogotá.

In 1638 Juan Rodriguez Troxell wrote this account, addressed to the cacique or governor of Guatavita:

The ceremony took place on the appointment of a new ruler. Before taking office, he spent some time secluded in a cave, without women, forbidden to eat salt, or to go out during daylight. The first journey he had to make was to go to the great lagoon of Guatavita, to make offerings and sacrifices to the demon which they worshipped as their god and lord. During the ceremony which took place at the lagoon, they made a raft of rushes, embellishing and decorating it with the most attractive things they had. They put on it four lighted braziers in which they burned much moque, which is the incense of these natives, and also resin and many other perfumes. The lagoon was large and deep, so that a ship with high sides could sail on it, all loaded with an infinity of men and women dressed in fine plumes, golden plaques and crowns.... As soon as those on the raft began to burn incense, they also lit braziers on the shore, so that the smoke hid the light of day. At this time they stripped the heir to his skin, and anointed him with a sticky earth on which they placed gold dust so that he was completely covered with this metal. They placed him on the raft ... and at his feet they placed a great heap of gold and emeralds for him to offer to his god. In the raft with him went four principal subject chiefs, decked in plumes, crowns, bracelets, pendants and ear rings all of gold. They, too, were naked, and each one carried his offering .... when the raft reached the centre of the lagoon, they raised a banner as a signal for silence. The gilded Indian then ... [threw] out all the pile of gold into the middle of the lake, and the chiefs who had accompanied him did the same on their own accounts. ... After this they lowered the flag, which had remained up during the whole time of offering, and, as the raft moved towards the shore, the shouting began again, with pipes, flutes, and large teams of singers and dancers. With this ceremony the new ruler was received, and was recognized as lord and king.

The Muisca towns and their treasures quickly fell to the conquistadores. Taking stock of their newly won territory, the Spaniards realized that — in spite of the quantity of gold in the hands of the Indians — there were no golden cities, nor even rich mines, since the Muiscas obtained all their gold in trade. But at the same time, the Spanish began to hear stories of El Dorado from captured Indians, and of the rites which used to take place at the lagoon of Guatavita.


Interview to Gold museum worker!

- What do you do in here?
- I'm the security guard.

-Do you like your job?
-Is interesting, i feel very responsable.

-And do you know what are you watching for?
-Of course! Bogotá's most important treasure, our native Muiscan familiars treasure, their gold.

-Do you know what was Bogotá's first name?
-Bacatá, gave by the chibchans indians.

-Wow, you know about Bogotá's history, do you think is important for people to know about waht happened many years ago here in Bogotá?

-We need to know about where we come from, also for culture, and i personally think that things like all Muiscan culture and history the legend of the Dorado is very very interesting.

- :D!!

More restaurants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More is more!!


This is Bogotá!!!!!! A nice photo to remember how nice is Bogotá! Big and turistic! Visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eat here!

Listen the good information about this restaurant!
Sounds delicious!

The transmilenio!

Transmilenio is the principal transport method here in Bogotá!